

The batteries that power Carborg cars

From the very beginning, we have been looking for a solution without compromises. We were looking for batteries of the highest quality that are reliable, readily available on the market and powerful enough to bring our electric dreams to life. For us, it was a no-brainer: we found the right part if it could deliver […]

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Meggie vs GOSH, the battle of the Mini Titans

On 18 September, the Carborg Project team held a test and track day at the M-Ring asphalt racetrack in Hungary. The stakes were high: two of our converted cars, i.e. Meggie and GOSH, competed against each other. With both cars pushing to the limit, the battle between the red Queen of Speed and the first […]

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Two worlds: car vs gadget

Where did the idea of electrically powered classic cars come from? Who is Rosinante? How does a boy scout combine sustainability and a love of classic cars? We ask Gergő Fehér, owner of Camelot Restorations, about the beginnings, the goals for 2024 and how the Carborg project can build a bridge between two worlds. Legend […]

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International Mini Meeting 2023 – an (almost) impossible mission accomplished

In January, we decided to take part in IMM23 with our electric Minis, i.e. Open Electric, LEV30 and GOSH. The problem was that at the time, just six months before the event, we didn’t have a working electric Mini. But our team took up the challenge and got to work! In short, to the delight […]

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