Website operated by Camelot Restorations Kft.
Head office: H-7694 Hosszúhetény, Fő utca 74, Hungary
Company registration number: 02 09 079762
Tax number: 24246488-2-02
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Details of the hosting company:
Name of the company: Freshconstruct Ltd.
Head office: 1 Vincent Square London, SW1P 2PN
Company Number: 10504260
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The entire content of this website is the property of Camelot Restorations Kft. The content of this website (including but not limited to: images, audio, audiovisual media, animations, texts) is published by Camelot Restorations Kft. for information purposes only. The content is protected by copyright, and any use of the content, with the exception of legal quotations (with reference to the source), is subject to the written authorisation of Camelot Restorations Kft. Any unauthorised use of the content or copying of elements of the website, in whole or in part, is prohibited. Any unauthorised use has consequences under copyright law, criminal law and civil law.
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